Sereni-Pro™ 是含有多種適應原草本植物的混合配方,主要成份包括南非醉茄 (Ashwagandha, 也被稱為印度人參)、西伯利亞參、紅景天、薰衣草等;有助減壓,並同時提高身體對壓力的適應能力,幫助恢復精神狀態。
南非醉茄可有助減輕壓力,能使思緒平靜。 西伯利亞參有助減少疲倦感和回恢體力。有助改善運動表現並強化免疫力。紅景天有助對壓力的適應、改善認知功能和增加注意力。薰衣草則有助舒緩身心。

Canada’s leading nutraceutical manufacturer, Bioclinic Naturals brings you top-tier supplements, developed by industry leading scientists and healthcare practitioners.
They source some of the best quality ingredients from their own organic farmland, and each of their products is tested at a molecular level to verify its purity, potency and efficacy.