Our clinic

Our clinic

Supplements Online: where science meets supplements. Every pure and potent supplement available here has been meticulously researched and proven to do what’s promised on the label. Proven by scientists. Proven by practitioners. Proven by people, just like you.

In fact, our practitioners at IMI (Integrated Medicine Institute) have helped thousands of people return to optimal health. As Hong Kong and Asia’s largest natural health clinic, we have championed integrated and holistic health for over thirty years.

If you already know which supplements you need, buy them online here.

If you have an idea of the supplements you need, but you’d like expert advice on the right brands and types for you, connect with our naturopathic dispensary advisors here.

And, if you’re looking for a personalised health and wellness plan that takes every facet of your wellbeing into consideration, schedule a consultation with our IMI practitioners here.

We can help you with something as simple as the common cold, and we’re the go-to clinic for complex, chronic conditions, too. We know your body is an interconnected system – it requires an integrated healing approach to health and wellbeing. Working with you, we go beyond the obvious symptoms and band-aid solutions to treat the root cause of your health concerns.

For your convenience, you can access any number of our services from highly qualified doctors and practitioners all under one roof. Whether you’re working with our naturopaths, psychotherapists, osteopaths and more, you’ll receive personalised, multi-faceted support and empowering tools to bolster your health and wellbeing every step of the way. Visit our services section, or, if you are unsure where to start, contact our integral health advisor for a free and simple initial assessment. They will connect you to the most appropriate practitioner.

For targeted support, we also offer a complete range of lab and blood tests, all selected for their incredible accuracy, all competitively priced. Whether you’re checking for food intolerances, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, heavy metal testing and more, these industry-leading tests can pinpoint the hidden culprits behind your health concerns. Our naturopaths can do a full intake to better understand your health needs and goals, discuss the appropriate tests and create a long-term personalised plan, including the exact supplements you need to achieve optimal health.

To learn more about our doctors, practitioners, and range of health services, visit www.imi.com.hk. Your optimal health is just one click away.