使用在劇烈運動中提高耐力。 對於低碳飲食和生酮飲食的人來說,這是一個很好的補充。 它通過增加抑制食欲的荷爾蒙-多肽YY和瘦體素來促進飽腹感。
中鍵脂肪酸油 (MCT) 是易於吸收的化合物,主要用作能量,而不是作為脂肪儲存。 還有助於將預先存在的脂肪儲備轉化為能量,促進脂肪燃燒,同時幫助保留肌肉。
Omega Nutrition specialise in bringing you organic oils of the highest quality.
Their products are fresh, unrefined and packaged in materials which protects the nutritional value of their oils. Their proprietary omegaflo® process protects essential fatty acids from destructive agents like light, heat and oxygen. For fresh oils rich in flavour and nutrients, turn to Omega Nutrition.