從出生到老年,必需脂肪酸在生命的各個階段都至關重要,它可以促進大腦的健康發育,增強其功能,同時訓練注意力。DHA 和 EPA 還可以提高您的學習能力,幫助您實現您的目標。
DHA 和 EPA 對身心都有修復作用,是抗炎強者,能夠緩解關節疼痛并幫助您更自由地活動。
天然存在的維生素 A 和 D 的額外好處促進了積極的前景、強大的免疫力和健康、發光的皮膚。
補充歐米茄 3 對孕婦尤為重要。 DHA 會傳遞給嬰兒,這對於健康的神經系統和大腦的發育至關重要。

Vital Nutrients thoroughly interrogate their products' integrity, testing for DNA accuracy, so you can be sure that their products really do contain what their ingredients labels claim. Their hypoallergenic range is also rigorously tested for pesticide residues and microbial contaminants. All products are tested by a third party in order to ensure purity, potency and dosage accuracy.