嬰幼兒益生菌 First Probiotic
Pack size: 60 g.
此配方含有益生元纖維菊粉,以及母乳喂養嬰兒中常見的多種益生菌菌株。 菊粉天然存在於許多水果和蔬菜中,已被證明可以軟化糞便、改善腸道微生物群落並減少發燒頻率。
服用像這樣的優質益生菌可以減少產氣、腹脹和腹瀉。 研究還表明,益生菌對治療濕疹有益。
Temperature-sensitive items cannot be exchanged, returned or refunded.
All Ther-biotic probiotics from SFI Health can be kept outside of the fridge under room temperature for up to 2 weeks at a time and still maintain the same potency.
If you do not accept in having the items being temporarory exposed in room-temperature condition during transit, please purchase the items in person from our clinic in Central.
所有來自 SFI Health 的 Ther-biotic 益生菌可在室溫下保存長達兩週,且仍能保持相同的效力。
Dedicated to giving alternative medicines the recognition they deserve, Bioceuticals are passionate about the role nutritional medicines play in our wellbeing. Renowened for their commitment to quality, innovation and integrity, this brand offers high potency products with therapeutic results.
Their commitment to research and functional formulas results in their status as a firm favourite among our practitioners in-clinic.