維他命K2和D3 對骨骼、健康血管和免疫提供重要支持。
雖然初次維他命D 劑量可以高於1000 IU,成年人長期攝取1000IU通常是足夠的。請確保嬰兒每天的總維他命D攝入量不得超過400IU(包括奶粉)。如果不確定,請尋求醫療專業的正確使用指引。
Canada’s leading nutraceutical manufacturer, Bioclinic Naturals brings you top-tier supplements, developed by industry leading scientists and healthcare practitioners.
They source some of the best quality ingredients from their own organic farmland, and each of their products is tested at a molecular level to verify its purity, potency and efficacy.