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G-NiiB 免疫專業配方 (28天配方) G-NiiB Immunity Pro

中文大學研發,富含稀有青春雙歧桿菌,降低新型病毒疫苗不良反應的體內炎症指數 比起沒有接受配方而接種新型病毒疫苗之人士相比,高達80%。提升免疫力,增強製造抗體的細胞高達1.5倍。
適用於兩歲或以上兒童及成人,孕婦或在授乳期間人士服用。 產品含有微量奶類製品,乳糖不耐症或少於兩歲的幼兒,請先諮詢醫生意見。
G-NiiB 免疫專業配方 (28天配方) G-NiiB Immunity Pro 每個沖劑含100億強活益菌。 請親臨 IMI 藥房咨詢購買處方配方。 你亦可於網上購買較低劑量的G-NiiB 免疫+ (28天配方) G-NiiB Immunity Plus 每個沖劑含20億強活益菌。
Galactooligosaccharides,. Xylooligosaccharide, Resistant dextrin, Probiotics Blend (3 Bifidobacteria, including Bifidobacterium adolescentis, 10 billion CFU/sachet).

G-NiiB® is the registered trademark of GenieBiome Limited.
GenieBiome, a biotechnology spinout from The Chinese University of Hong Kong was founded by world-renowned clinician-scientists and supported by a multidisciplinary team of experts in microbiology, metagenomics, bioinformatics, disease biomarkers, food technology, clinical trials, IP development and commercialization. For over a decade, our team has pioneered the use of microbiome with evidence-based science to tackle a myriad of diseases, including COVID-19, colorectal cancer, obesity, eczema, and autism.
Our precision portfolio of G-NiiB includes diagnostic and risk prediction tests, next-generation microbiome precision formula, and precision medicine tailored for the Asian population.
"G-NiiB immunity formula developed from the first global Covid-19 microbiome research findings, and the first in the world microbiome based non-invasive colorectal cancer diagnostic are ready to serve the Asian Chinese population now."