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鈣和鎂 2:1 Cal/Mag 2:1
鎂也是一種極有治療作用的礦物質,對許多生物過程至關重要。 它有助於肌肉放鬆,鎮靜神經系統,緩解身體因缺乏鎂而引起的頭痛。
鎂含量低會增加焦慮和抑鬱的症狀。 這些營養素中的任何一種含量低也會導致肌肉痙攣和骨骼變弱。

Designs for Health unite premium ingredients with innovative research in order to bring you truly superior supplements.
Their guiding principle is 'Science First', allowing them to prioritise the things that matter when it comes to supplements: ingredients, evidence and packaging. Each of their products are well-researched and evidence-based, offering meaningful quantities of therapeutic ingredients.