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谷胱甘肽 Glutathione 400mg

穀胱甘肽:主要的抗氧化劑,是解毒的關鍵酶。 它可以幫助我們的身體清除高達 50% 的日常毒素,例如空氣污染物和殺蟲劑等。
此配方含有 Setria,一種專利成分和特強形式的穀胱甘肽。 經臨床證實每日補充可顯著提高細胞和組織中這種營養素的水平。 它很容易被吸收,並且比其他形式的穀胱甘肽更有效。
穀胱甘肽更可幫助您維持肝臟健康並支持排毒。 這種藥用級補充劑有助於對抗氧化應激,並作為自由基清除劑,支持所有組織的抗氧化活性。

Vital Nutrients thoroughly interrogate their products' integrity, testing for DNA accuracy, so you can be sure that their products really do contain what their ingredients labels claim. Their hypoallergenic range is also rigorously tested for pesticide residues and microbial contaminants. All products are tested by a third party in order to ensure purity, potency and dosage accuracy.