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胞磷膽鹼 Citicoline Cognizin®
隨著大腦老化,胞磷膽鹼僅存在於非常有限的食物來源中,它的神經保護和神經再生特性有助於促進更好的認知健康和更多的精神能量。 從而增強您的注意力和專注力。
Citicoline Cognizin 還有助於促進重要神經遞質的產生,這有助於提升您的情緒。
Citicoline Cognizin 滋養您的認知健康和情緒。 是大腦中許多過程的關鍵,例如磷脂代謝和腦細胞信號傳導。
Vital Nutrients thoroughly interrogate their products' integrity, testing for DNA accuracy, so you can be sure that their products really do contain what their ingredients labels claim. Their hypoallergenic range is also rigorously tested for pesticide residues and microbial contaminants. All products are tested by a third party in order to ensure purity, potency and dosage accuracy.