作為能量的必需營養素,維生素 B12 可刺激細胞產生能量分子 ATP。 它將碳水化合物轉化為能量,同時幫助代謝脂肪和蛋白質。
B12 對許多身體過程至關重要,它可以促進腸道健康,促進健康的紅細胞生成,並將過量的高半胱氨酸轉化為有用的必需氨基酸蛋氨酸。
該配方以甲基化形式提供 B12,確保每個人都能有效地代謝它,即使是那些通常因遺傳而難以代謝的人。

Vital Nutrients thoroughly interrogate their products' integrity, testing for DNA accuracy, so you can be sure that their products really do contain what their ingredients labels claim. Their hypoallergenic range is also rigorously tested for pesticide residues and microbial contaminants. All products are tested by a third party in order to ensure purity, potency and dosage accuracy.