乙酰左旋肉鹼是一種有效的大腦健康營養素,能夠提高您的學習能力並幫助訓練您的記憶力。 磷脂酰絲氨酸還有助於提高您的記憶力,而胞磷膽鹼提供神經保護特性,減少大腦中的氧化損傷,同時在許多其他層面上促進神經健康。
此產品提供了構建大腦結構所必需的關鍵營養素,使您保持最佳狀態。 它優化了大腦健康的各個方面,提高了細胞能量的產生,並提供了抗氧化和線粒體支持。

Designs for Health unite premium ingredients with innovative research in order to bring you truly superior supplements.
Their guiding principle is 'Science First', allowing them to prioritise the things that matter when it comes to supplements: ingredients, evidence and packaging. Each of their products are well-researched and evidence-based, offering meaningful quantities of therapeutic ingredients.