Best supplements for when you're ill

  • Wed, 04/20/2022 - 18:23
  • Best supplements for when you're ill
  • by IMI health

How can you protect yourself from illness?

Our practitioners have broken down the key supplements you need, from preventative care, to recovery.

While there is no single remedy for illnesses, there are things we can do to strengthen our body, before during and after illness.

Our practitioners’ at-home immune kit is designed to tackle nutritional imbalances which can weaken our immunity; support some of the challenges sickness presents if you do become ill; and give your body exactly what it needs to heal post-illness.


Preventative care

Vitamin C

Able to bolster lung and respiratory function, vitamin C is key to strong immunity. It aids the production of white blood cells, helping them function more effectively. It also reduces stress, which can otherwise inhibit your immune response.


A recent study by the Chinese University Hong Kong has directly linked an imbalanced gut microbiome to more severe cases of Covid, and long Covid. Replenishing the good bacteria in your gut with a potent probiotic can bolster your immune function. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D3 strengthens lung and respiratory function, while raising levels of SIgA, an antibody which acts as our immune system's first line of defence. Insufficient levels of vitamin D are described as a ‘worldwide epidemic’, and research has shown that those with imbalances are 14 times more likely to have a severe case of Covid.


Zinc strengthens lung function when your immune system is under stress. By increasing antioxidant activity in cells, it also nourishes respiratory health. Zinc also helps promote a healthy inflammatory response - which is key when it comes to Covid. 


Coping with illness

Add any two of these supplements to your preventative regime, as soon as you notice symptoms of illness.


Curcumin has been identified as a supportive, immune-boosting nutrient in the face of coronavirus. It’s one of nature’s most potent antioxidants and promotes a healthy inflammatory response.  


Studies on Covid patients reveal the importance of reducing oxidative stress when you become ill- which is why a powerful antioxidant like glutathione is key. Studies also suggest that glutathione plays a supportive role when it comes to Covid, helping promote a healthy inflammatory response. 


Formulas featuring Andrographis, a potent botanical, are also useful for treating symptoms of Covid. Andrographis is commonly used in Thailand to treat mild cases of Covid, with 99% of those treated making a full recovery.


NAC is another powerful antioxidant and scientists have proven that it’s able to promote a healthy inflammatory response and improve lung function in Covid patients. Its mucolytic properties help break up mucus.


Quercetin is another powerful antioxidant. It works synergistically with vitamin C which enhances its immune boosting effects. Quercetin also helps support a more diverse gut microbiome for better immunity.


Post-illness recovery

Your body has been through it. During recovery, you’re looking to kick-start your health, and feel more like yourself again. These supplements act as safety measures after illness, designed to help heal your mind and body for a fresh start.


Multivitamins help reboot your body while you’re in recovery, providing a full range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This is particularly important, as it’s common that those with Covid experience reduced appetite following illness, so supplementing with a potent multi ensures that your body gets all it needs to get back to feeling your best.

Fish Oil

Restorative for both mind and body, fish oil gives you the boost you need after illness to get back to your best. 

Adaptogenic herbs

Adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha, Siberian ginseng and Rhodiola rosea offer respite from stress and sleeplessness - which is key to healing. Covid is commonly known for causing mental fog, even after testing negative, which is why adaptogens are key, as they improve cognitive performance and memory.


In Summary

We hope this article provides you with some of the tools you need to recover from Covid at home.

Please note that though these supplements offer care before, during and after illness, they are not a substitute for the Covid vaccine.

As Covid has developed, more and more new strains have emerged. You may want to boost your immunity for omnicron or delta, but simply providing your body with some extra support from probiotics, vitamins C & D and zinc will yield the same results: a strong immunity.

You may also be wondering how long it will take you to recover from Covid, but the truth is that your recovery will be individual to you, just as your body is. These supplements help provide your body with a healthy baseline, resolving common imbalances which are key to better immune function.

Alongside any supplements, remember to create lots of time for rest and to drink plenty of water for a speedy recovery. We hope you feel better soon.