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Reuteri Probiotic Chewable Tablets

Reuteri Probiotic Chewable Tablets

Safe, and effective, L. reuteri is one of the most well-researched probiotics, worldwide. This popular brand of friendly bacteria is native to your gut, making it one of the most effective for promoting gut health.
Pack size: 100 tablets.
Restore balance to your gut microbiome with BioGaia Protectis tabs. One, easy to take tablet contains all you need for a daily dose of 100 million CFUs. Tested in over 150 clinical trials, this probiotic strain safely populates your gut with friendly bacteria.
One of the few bacterial species that has evolved with humans over the course of history, L. reuteri is able to adapt and interact with the human body, in order for us to regain a sense of better wellbeing.
Guaranteed to survive your stomach and colonise GI tract, in order to strengthen gut health.

One of the world’s leading probiotic companies, the health benefits of BioGaia’s supplements have been widely documented in studies.